Dresden Entrepreneur Warns Against Far-Right Shift

Dresden entrepreneur Sylvia Pfefferkorn warns against a shift to the far-right, emphasizing the importance of openness for a thriving business environment. She highlights historical parallels and urges businesses to remain open.

Dresden Entrepreneur Warns Against Far-Right Shift

Sylvia Pfefferkorn, a Dresden-based entrepreneur and a founding member of the Association Economy for an Open Saxony e. V., is sounding the alarm. As a dedicated lobbyist for an open economy, she's deeply concerned about the growing influence of the far-right AfD party and its potential impact on the business landscape.

Sylvia Pfefferkorn speaking at a conference

Pfefferkorn's message is clear: openness is paramount. She believes that a welcoming and inclusive environment is crucial for attracting talent, fostering innovation, and ensuring a competitive business location. "Openness is needed as a location factor," she asserts, emphasizing the need to maintain a favorable business climate in Saxony and beyond.

Historical Parallels and a Call to Action

Pfefferkorn doesn't shy away from drawing parallels to the past. She cautions against entrepreneurs making a "hard turn to the right," as she alleges they did ninety years ago, a period marked by significant political and economic instability in Germany. Her warning serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of embracing extremist ideologies.

It's not just about economics, though. Pfefferkorn frames her concerns within a broader context of societal values. She believes that a commitment to openness and tolerance is essential for a healthy and vibrant democracy. By actively advocating for these principles, she hopes to safeguard the future of Saxony's economy and its place within a globalized world.

Map of Saxony with Dresden highlighted

The Importance of Openness

What exactly does "openness" mean in this context? For Pfefferkorn, it encompasses a range of factors, including welcoming foreign investment, embracing diverse perspectives, and promoting cross-cultural understanding. It also means actively combating prejudice and discrimination in all its forms.

By speaking out against the potential dangers of a far-right shift, Sylvia Pfefferkorn is not only advocating for the interests of businesses in Dresden and Saxony. She's also making a powerful statement about the importance of upholding democratic values and fostering a society where everyone feels welcome and respected.

"Entrepreneurs should not turn sharply to the far right as they did ninety years ago. Openness is needed as a location factor." - Sylvia Pfefferkorn
Illustration of open doors representing opportunity

Her work with the Association Economy for an Open Saxony e. V. highlights a proactive effort to ensure Saxony remains a competitive and attractive location for businesses and individuals alike. It's a call to action for entrepreneurs to prioritize openness and resist any pull towards ideologies that threaten the region's economic prosperity and social harmony.

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