Welcome to your daily dose of entertainment news! Let's dive into a few interesting stories making headlines today, from the world of film and music to...grammar?
Oscar Viewership Takes a Dip
The global audience for the recent Oscar ceremony experienced an 8% drop in viewership, according to Nielsen data reported by the New York Times. While the Oscars remain a major cultural event, this decline suggests evolving viewing habits and perhaps a shift in audience preferences. Is streaming impacting traditional television viewership of award shows? That's a question many in the industry are pondering.

The Wizard of Vinyl is in Kansas
Forget Hollywood, there's magic happening in Kansas! Chad Kassem is on a mission to save listeners "from bad sound" at his rural factory. He meticulously pores over LPs from some of music’s most important artists, ensuring the highest quality sound reproduction. Kassem's dedication to preserving the integrity of vinyl recordings is a testament to the enduring appeal of analog audio.
Grammar Geeks Unite!
Believe it or not, grammar is having a moment! "Rebel With a Clause," a new film, celebrates the improbable cross-country journey of a woman who gently imparts grammar rules to strangers. This heartwarming story highlights the power of language and the unexpected connections it can create. Who knew participles and gerunds could be so captivating?

Ernest Cole: A Life in Pictures
Finally, don't miss Raoul Peck's powerful documentary, "Ernest Cole: Lost & Found." Cole was a black South African photographer whose work illuminated the harsh realities of life under apartheid.

Peck's documentary unearths a tragic story of exile and homesickness, revealing the personal cost of Cole's artistic and political commitment. "This is the black South African photographer Ernest Cole whose fierce pictures of life under apartheid brought this political reality home to the US and the west," writes one reviewer. His work played a real part in the pressure brought to bear on the South African government. This is a must-see for anyone interested in photography, history, and the human spirit.
That's all for today's entertainment roundup! Stay tuned for more news and updates.