This week's health news brings stories of both hope and concern. From a groundbreaking transplant to a warning about chemical exposure, we're covering a range of important health topics.
A Rare Disorder and the Fight for Treatment
Little Šimon from Staré is battling an incredibly rare disorder. Initially mistaken for neonatal jaundice, doctors discovered he has a condition that prevents his body from breaking down bilirubin. This requires nightly light therapy, a treatment that helps him cope with the illness.

Unfortunately, the family is facing another hurdle: their insurance company has refused to subsidize the necessary lamps. This story highlights the challenges faced by families dealing with rare diseases and the importance of advocating for access to treatment, especially during International Rare Disease Day.
Life-Saving Liver Transplant for Infant
In a remarkable medical feat, doctors at Prague's IKEM and Thomayer Faculty Hospital successfully performed a liver transplant on five-week-old Rozálie. At just 3.5 kilograms, Rozálie was suffering from acute liver failure.
The transplant was made possible by the courageous act of her uncle, who spontaneously donated part of his liver. This incredible story showcases the power of organ donation and the expertise of medical professionals. "This was a complex procedure, but the dedication of the team ensured a positive outcome," said a spokesperson for IKEM. Rozálie is now the smallest and youngest child to receive a liver transplant in the Czech Republic.

Firefighters at Risk: Benzene Exposure
Concerns are being raised about the safety of firefighters in Hustopeče nad Bečvou, who are dealing with benzene, an extremely carcinogenic substance. Kateřina Havlíková, an expert in cleaning chemicals for contaminated firefighting gear, expressed her alarm at firefighters operating without respiratory masks.

“I was horrified to see firefighters without masks," Havlíková told Novinky. "They are exposing themselves to tremendous danger.” Benzene poses a significant health risk, and proper respiratory protection is crucial for firefighters' safety.
Ensuring the safety of first responders is paramount. This situation highlights the need for proper training and equipment to protect those who put their lives on the line to protect our communities.
And finally, a reminder to check your home first aid kit. Make sure it contains essential items, and be wary of purchasing medications online, as their safety cannot be guaranteed.