Netflix continues to make headlines, and not just for its hit shows. From gaming ventures to surprise renewals and hidden movie gems, here's a quick look at what's happening in the world of Netflix.
Netflix and Gaming: What's the Strategy?
Netflix's foray into video games has been a bit of a roller coaster. Remember when they quietly started adding games to their streaming catalogue? Back in 2021, after experimenting with interactive film like Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and a Stranger Things game, they started expanding into interactive entertainment. For a while, Netflix's gaming section was a well-kept secret, featuring award-winning indie games like Before Your Eyes, Spiritfarer, and Into the Breach.

Netflix even invested in studios known for quality work, like London-based Ustwo games (of Monument Valley fame) and created a California studio to develop blockbuster titles. However, recent layoffs and leadership changes have raised questions about the long-term strategy. Will Netflix continue to pursue gaming, and if so, what kind of games will they focus on?
'Running Point' Gets a Second Season
Good news for fans of Running Point! Netflix has renewed the series for a second season. Season 1 debuted in February 2025, and viewers can look forward to more episodes. This renewal indicates Netflix's commitment to diverse programming and building franchises.

Don't Miss This Hidden Movie Gem
If you're looking for something to watch on Netflix in March 2025, consider checking out a movie that might have been overlooked during its theatrical run. This film, while not a box office smash, is well worth a stream and offers a unique viewing experience. Keep an eye out for recommendations as March 2025 approaches!
Aimee Lou Wood: From Comedy to Drama
Aimee Lou Wood, known for her comedic roles in shows like The White Lotus and Sex Education, is also showcasing her talent in more serious roles. You can catch her in Netflix's new series, Toxic Town. This highlights Wood's versatility as an actor and Netflix's commitment to showcasing diverse talent.

Netflix continues to evolve, experimenting with different types of content and strategies. Whether it's gaming, series renewals, or undiscovered movie treasures, there's always something new to discover on the streaming giant.